
Monday, April 5, 2010

Kissaluvs Kissa’s Fitted Diaper Size 0 Review

Kissaluvs Kissa’s Fitted Diaper Size 0 Review

Basic Information:
This link is to the Version 2.0 of this diaper.  This is a fitted diaper (which means that it is not meant to fit all size babies).  It will fit most babies from 5 to 15 lbs.  This is made of cotton and the soaker is incorporated into the diaper, so there is no stuffing required.  However, a diaper cover is required.  It comes in unbleached or 5 colors. 

How it works:
This is a super easy diaper to use! The waist circumference adjusts with snaps. It has elasticized legs. You are able to snap down the waist to accomodate a newborn's umbilicus.  After you snap on baby, put on a cover and you're ready to go!

$12.95 for unbleached/$13.95 for colors.

Our Experience:
We have used this diaper since the newborn days and I really love it! The experience with this diaper is a great example of how I am becoming a much smarter cloth diaper user! This diaper has far exceeded my expectations, totally making it a great value in my mind.

First, Baby A did not grow out of it in as short a period of time as I expected. In fact, it still fits and she is 22 weeks old! I really only expected it to use it for about 3 months.

Second, you don’t need nearly as many covers as I thought you would using this fitted diaper. I purchased these when I was pregnant and really believed that I’d need covers in about a 1:2 ratio to diapers. No way! (at least not with this diaper, maybe another kind of diaper we have…but that’s another story!) No mess has ever leaked out of legs. That means no leaks all over clothes and no reason for multiple outfit changes, unless your baby is a fashionista.

Finally, if I were pregnant all over again I would buy more of these. We only bought two, because we didn’t want to spend a lot of money on diapers that we couldn’t use for a long time. We opted to buy mainly all-in-one diapers, but on a small baby, those diapers are really bulky. The great thing about these diapers is that they aren’t bulky. We’ve found that bulky bottoms make babies “grow out” of clothes quicker. If I’d had more of these, I could get have gotten more use out of baby clothes. Basically, my point is that these diapers were a much better value than I thought they would be and I wish that I would have purchased more of them.

Features We Love:
  • Snap down waist to accommodate umbilicus
  • Easy for the babysitter
The Downside:
  • Not dry to the touch once it’s wet.
  • The entire diaper gets soaked if you leave it on for a long period of time. I would not use this diaper if you will not be able to change a diaper for an extended period of time (like a long car ride).
We Vote:
  • Excellent diaper for newborn
  • Good price
  • Convenient
  • Good Value
  • Easy to Use
  • This diaper will make you fall in love with cloth diapering!
Overall Rating (out of 10): 10

Pictures in Use:  (she was about 13 lbs in this photo)


  1. We had some size 0 fitteds too that we really liked for all the same reasons. Also made the same observations about getting really soaked and not wanting to leave it on for too long. Did/do you have any problems with odors? I felt like I always had to do an extra rinse or a vinegar rinse to strip if there were lissaluvs in the load.

  2. I have been adding an extra rinse with vinegar lately. I feel like all our diapers are getting a tad bit of an odor. It is a smell that seems to reappear as soon as it gets wet again. I am so excited for some warm weather so that we can dry them in the sun and get rid of the odors (hopefully).

  3. Odors after wash usually means detergent build-up. I would guess you are still using too can also try RLR to "strip" them. I actually came to comment that we LOVE KL0s!!!! These are my all-time favorite newborn diapers (though I only got 3-4 months out of them with my four 7-lb babies). :)

  4. I hear you! I have a pile of outgrown diapers from over the winter that need to good cleaning and sunning before being put into storage.

  5. I got a tip from another CDing-mom that we used. She cut strips of fleece and layed them in the diaper as a liner. It really helped keep the wetness away from baby's bottom. This really helped with the kissaluvs especially


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