
About Me

My name is Angie.  I just turned 29-yikes.  I am married to a great guy whom I met in college.  We are blessed to be new parents to a wonderful, beautiful, and smart baby girl who was born in October 2009.  We live in Overland Park, Kansas with our two rescue dogs. 

I graduated from the University of Missouri in 2003 with a Bachelor of Arts and in 2005 with a Masters of Public Administration.  I attended the University of Iowa as a doctoral student in Public Health for one year, but wasn't quite sure it was the right career path.  I left there for a position as a Research Associate (aka professional nerd) for a family medicine practice based research network.  Since my daughter was born, I starting working part-time as the Project Manager on several exciting quality improvement research projects.

I am passionate about helping people lead healthier lives.  I strive to have a healthy lifestyle by eating well, being active, and (attempting) to stress less.  I enjoy taking photographs, gardening, writing, listening to NPR, spending time with friends and family, and hanging out at the lake.  I am trying to become a more competent cook and enjoy experimenting with new recipes.

I am also a part-time student.  I am pursuing a career in Dietetics.  I will be finished with my program in May 2011 (only 4 more classes-hooray!).  I hope to work in a community setting as an RD in the near future.
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