
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Social Media...Where Was I?

There is a crazy world of social media that I had no idea existed before I went on maternity leave.  Sure, I was a little bit of a Facebook addict and maybe I stalked some people (ha ha), but I wasn't into Twitter or blogging either.  I followed a couple of my friend's blogs to keep up with their lives, but no blog of any author that wasn't a personal friend. 

Somehow, I now follow about 20 blogs and I have a Twitter account (but I'm still really confused by it).  You know why I have those things?  Cloth diapers, yes, diapers have put me on a new level of social media consumerism.  I actually started following the first blog so that I could try to win diapers from a cloth diaper store.  Then, I had some diaper leak problems and checked out "mom blogs" for tips to resolve those problems and discovered the wide world of mommy blog reviews and giveaways.  Usually a giveaway will give you extra entries if you become a follower or you Tweet the giveaway.  So, I follow, I become a Facebook Fan, I jump through rings of fire.  Whatever it takes, to increase my chance for a free diaper.  It's crazy!  At the end of my maternity leave, I was getting a little addicted.  Sadly, I'm back to work now, so I can't leave endless comments on a blog to try to win something. 

I honestly am completely fascinated with this giveaway network.  Some blogs have giveaways almost everyday.  I imagine their houses to look like those on the show Hoarders b/c they have so many previously reviewed products piled up in every corner.  But, I have to say that I do enjoy perusing those sites, because I've discovered some products that I don't think I would have otherwise found.  I also have enjoyed attending "Giveaway Events".  I feel like I get to know the blogger over the course of their event and that's kind of fun.  I am still trying to win some diapers too, of course. 

If you want to try to win diapers (or anything else)  I have some blog buttons on my page where they often host giveaways.  Good luck and be warned, it might become an addiction.


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