
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Social Media Part II--Winning Stuff

Like I've mentioned before, I really had no idea the extent of the social media bandwagon until I was on maternity leave and spent time on the computer (when I probably should have just been sleeping).  Anyway, I've mentioned before about winning giveaways on blogs, but I also wanted to encourage you to become facebook fans of your favorite brands, products or stores. 

I have had opportunities to win prizes, get coupon codes, or be notified of sales on facebook fan pages.  For example, I won the child pouch sling from Baby in a Fish Bowl from a facebook contest.  I'm also a fan of (I have ordered quite a few things from  They have hosted several facebook contests and they also remind you to enter their Friday Fluff giveaway!  Gro Baby hosted a contest last week where they awarded the longest discussion chain on a blog or in a forum a 15% off coupon.  Yesterday I took a survey about Thirsties from their facebook page. 

Even if I don't win anything, I still enjoy feeling like I have some input into their product, like I'm serving on a longstanding marketing panel.  And, it's nice to feel like you have the inside track when it comes to finding out about upcoming specials or deals. 

AND, you can find this blog on Facebook.  That's right, I created a Facebook Fan Page for Adventures of the Mom Kind!  I always link up my newest posts, so you can stay up-to-date (as I'm sure you're dying to do) on Angie's latest thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. How did I NOT KNOW about!?!? I'd visited all the shops they link to, but had never heard of them. I think I just became there 3,499th fan.


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